Thursday, April 23, 2009


It looked something like this but she wasn't naked. She was dressed in a beautiful brown and pink polka dot dress with tights that had ruffles.

On Sunday we went to church for the second time in 7 months. There we were on the last row all dressed up, when I decided to prop Kate in the corner of the bench. Bad idea!!

Why-There are so many reasons. Need I even list them.

Zack started to cry so I grabbed a toy to entertain him when suddenly down went Kate. Yes I put my baby who is 7 months old in the corner of a wooden bench and turned away. Luckily she fall onto the diaper bag and then on to the floor.

Not a mark on her. Yet.


  1. Sometimes, babies need their reflexes's always a blessing when no one gets hurt.

  2. Brianne, linked over from Stacie's blog and your babies are soooo cute! I can't imagine what it's like having twins, but it sounds like it keeps you on your toes and you're doing a terrific job. One day there will be rest. Sam is teething now and today's been a rough one, he's a baby that never cries, so I guess I deserve it.

  3. Dude, I am offended I found out about the blog via Aimee's. I saw you in person two days ago! Oh wait, you probably were too busy being my shrink to remember a little thing like a blog.

    I am so excited to hear all about your fantastic life with twins on a more regular basis. Loved hearing this story in person too. But now I'm curious. . .Where was Wade? I say Blame him.

    Awesome job on the header too Bri!

    P.S. Did he read my post about Bear Grylls and Will Ferrell? I wrote that just for him.

  4. I too had to learn about your blog via Aimee. Good thing she looks out for you and she blogs otherwise we would never know. I'm so happy you have a BLOG now I finally get to see your cute little babies. I told Zack you gave us the ok to come visit so we're going to maybe this week, maybe next? What works?

  5. Same thing with my kid. I think his first head first dive was at 6 months. Whoops. One goose egg later and sore ears from hearing him belt out. He's tougher now.
