Sunday, March 7, 2010

Things I hate about my life

#1 That Zack and Kate still LOVE their bottles at 18 months
#2 That Zack still wakes up almost every night
#3 That Kate refuses to eat in her high chair
#4 That Kate is on a bath strike (2 weeks now)
#5 That every Sunday dinner at Wade's parents house is when and Zack and Kate lose it!
#6 That Zack thinks it's okay to wake up at 5:30 a.m. most mornings

Of coarse there are lots of things I love but these are just a few of the things I HATE!!


  1. Oh man, when Wade dropped off your swimsuit yesterday ---thanks by the way!--- he told me that you had bailed cause you were just done. So sorry that things are tough right now. Hang in there. You are an awesome mamma. And, eventually one day Zack will sleep through the night. Trust me. Took Cam just about 2 years, but it did happen, and now, most nights we don't hear a peep from either. But that's all going to change here in a few, so I'm relishing it while I can.

  2. I used to get so frustrated about my girls waking up in the drove me crazy too. Then I came to the realization that they will not do it forever. One day I will wake up and they won't be cuddled up in bed next to us (having sneaked in during the night) and I will miss it.
    You should bring the kids down to our house to meet the dog, rabbits and chickens. It would be great to see you.

  3. Glad to see a post. Your doing great. Those babies are lucky to have you and Wade! Love ya.

  4. Thing I hate about my life:
    1) My best friend going to bed at 8:30am
    2) Missing calls from my best friend
    3) Hearing my best friend is sick as a dog

    Yuck. I hope you feel better. Hopefully you don't have to work tomorrow and you can call me and we can really catch up. I have good news. You will be proud of me.

  5. Brianne, your twins are beautiful. Wouldn't it be great to hire a babysitter to TAKE the kids out while YOU get a nap? You are a great mom.
