Thursday, April 2, 2009

How sweet it is

How sweet it is to hold a sleeping baby.

How I long for a singleton (not anytime soon)! What's a singleton you ask? It is when you get to enjoy being pregnant with only ONE baby and you can hold that ONE baby as long as you want whenever you want. I had a singleton moment today! While Zack was napping Kate fell asleep in my arms and for the first time in 7 months I got to hold her while she slept without any other distractions. I tried not to move an inch and although I thought my arm was going to fall off I was not about to risk waking her. I was praying that Zack would just keep on napping so that I could hold Kate forever. It was pure heaven, especially because she is not my cuddly baby. I could cry just writing about it.

Will I ever know what it's like to have a singleton? Do you really have moments like that daily?

On the other hand Kate has laughed really hard twice today at Zack. They make each other laugh all the time and I get to experience it with them.

1 comment:

  1. They are so so so cute. I'm glad you were able to share a moment with Kate.
