Saturday, August 15, 2009

Really Zack

This week Zack pooped during nap time, it leaked out of his diaper and then he played in it until it was time to get up. Honestly.

I have no more words.


  1. Sick.

    Not looking forward to poop.

  2. Poor Zack. All he wants to do is express himself and you're hampering his creativity. Ha ha ha. That happened to one of my boys once. Maybe Graeden...but maybe Elliott. I can't remember. I do remember being repulsed.

    Just think, in a few years you won't even remember this until Aimee has a baby who pulls the same playing with poop trick and then you'll laugh and laugh and laugh and remember the disgusting clean up times.

    As an aside, we were at a park today with no restroom facilities. Jett wanted to go potty. I took him to a bush and told him to pee there. He started taking down his pants and told me he wanted to poo. Ahhh! When an almost 3 year old tells you he needs to use the restroom, you've got a few minutes to make it happen. NOT long enough to get everyone in the car and off to a store to find a restroom.

    The park DID have doggy poo bags. I took one and Jett around a bush to a "private" place and he pooped in the bag. It was fabulous.
